cluffy wedge felt on insole

“Cluffy Wedge” made from podiatry felt

A Cluffy Wedge is a trademarked device that is used in shoes, on insoles and on foot orthotics. It was developed by the Podiatrist, Dr James Clough, DPM primarily as a way to treat functional hallux limitus. The Cluffy Wedge is placed under the hallux or big toe to hold it in a slightly dorsiflexed position. For more on the Cluffy Wedge, see this. As the Cluffy wedge is a trademarked product and marketed as such, you technically can’t make your own Cluffy Wedge. However, a lot of foot orthotic…

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Felt Morton’s Extension for Hallux Rigidus

A Morton’s extension is used to help restrict motion of the first metatarsophalangeal joint, especially in those with hallux rigidus or a painful osteoarthritis of the the joint. The pad should extend under the distal half of the first metatarsal, under the first metatarsophalangeal joint and under the proximal phalanx. It may or may not extend further forward. The Morton’s extension may be made from self adhesive podiatry felt for a short term trial before using some more permanent material. The felt is cut to size and quickly and easily…

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